速報APP / 藝術與設計 / LAIKA Stickers: Missing Link

LAIKA Stickers: Missing Link


檔案大小:12.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


LAIKA Stickers: Missing Link(圖1)-速報App

Push your messaging game to epic proportions with these 22 new Missing Link stickers for iMessage! Add Mr. Link, Sir Lionel, Adelina Fortnight, and other new characters to your messages and photos. Get ready to see LAIKA’s Missing Link in theaters everywhere April 12.

Watch the trailer now at missinglink.movie.

Pack includes 11 animated stickers and 14 static stickers:

1. Mr. Link - Waving

2. Mr. Link - Peeking

3. Mr. Link - Bursting through

4. Mr. Link - Celebrating

5. Mr. Link - Excited

6. Mr. Link - Happy

LAIKA Stickers: Missing Link(圖2)-速報App

7. Mr. Link - Playing Bagpipes

8. Mr. Link & Sir Lionel - Hug

9. Sir Lionel - Bravo

10. Sir Lionel - Yes

11. Adelina - Excited

12. Mr. Link - Interesting

13. Mr. Link - Umm

14. Mr. Link - Ohhh

15. Sir Lionel - Really?

LAIKA Stickers: Missing Link(圖3)-速報App

16. Sir Lionel - Greetings

17. Sir Lionel - Nonsense

18. Adelina - OMW

19. Adelina - Bring It On

20. Adelina - Strong

21. Gamu - Watch It

22. Nessie - Confused

23. Group - Adventure

24. Mr. Link’s Hat

LAIKA Stickers: Missing Link(圖4)-速報App

25. The Chicken

LAIKA Stickers: Missing Link(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad